Mar 9Liked by Stephanie Nygaard

I love the poems you shared, they are beautiful! I've been pondering what it means to have child-like faith and "wonder" must play a huge part in that! Thanks for sharing ❤️

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I think it does! Thank you for reading!

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Mar 11Liked by Stephanie Nygaard

That first photo is just beautiful! And I love your poem. It captures the feeling of wonder perfectly.

And a silly side note... it also brought to mind some of my favorite scenes from Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue... a movie my daughters love. I'm always captivated by the views of nature from a tiny fairy's view. :)

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I wish my girls still liked watching Tinkerbell. How old are your girls? Thank you for your kind words!

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Mar 12Liked by Stephanie Nygaard

Well, my girls are basically grown up. 17, 19 and 22. But all still living at home. Tinkerbell is one of our "everyone's tired and we need something happy and pretty" movies. So they will still enjoy it. In between Marvel and Star Wars (Dad's favorites) and Jane Austen and old classics (my favorites). :)

I think we've crossed paths in the BGF threads before? But I can't remember... how old are your girls?

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I think so, too! And did I see that you signed up for the Black Barn? My girls are 18, 15, and 12. I would still happily watch Tinkerbell! My girls have all watched Star Wars because of their dad. But sadly, they do not like Jane Austen. :( I feel like a failure as a mom of girls! Maybe someday they will?

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Mar 18Liked by Stephanie Nygaard

Yes I did sign up on the Black Barn. :) I just discovered it, and it is such a lovely space. It's so nice to find such wonderful online community during a season when life has been very lonely.

And I wouldn't worry about Jane Austen. I didn't actually come around to her myself until in my 20's. Then it finally hit me what I'd been missing. ;)

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I was in my 20s when I "found" Jane Austen, too. When I first read Pride and Prejudice, I had to read an annotated version so I wouldn't get lost. I'm sorry this season has been lonely for you. Sometimes, it's hard to find kindred spirits in our day-to- day life. I think that's why spaces like the Book Girl Fellowship and the Black Barn are so important.

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These are beautiful reflections and poetic thoughts. I have to ask, are those your photos, Stephanie? They are remarkable!

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Mar 9Liked by Stephanie Nygaard

I agree! The first photo stopped me in my tracks it was so stunning!

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Yes. I believe they are from last summer and spring. 🙂

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Beautiful.... great shots!

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