Stephanie, what a feast of words and photos. Oh my, I love the close ups of the flowers.

And I agree with Megan, the Lavender Memory poem is perfect. There is something about the riot of color in the summer that sometimes seems too noisy... Winter, especially here in the Pac NW, offers so much space--literal and figurative--for listening.

And my favorite flower? Peonies... blooming now in my perennial bed. Thanks for asking.

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Thank you for reading, Jody! I also love peonies!

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Jun 5Liked by Stephanie Nygaard

Oh my goodness, your "Lavender Memory" poem! So, so good, and not just because I love what little winter I get down here.

Also happy to see a nod to "Miss Rumphius."

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Jun 5Liked by Stephanie Nygaard

I meant the "Lavender is a Memory" one--the winter one. :)

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Thank you so much, Megan! ❤️

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Jun 1Liked by Stephanie Nygaard

Love your poems. I'm not settled on a favorite flower yet, I think that's like trying to pick a favorite book, but I have a sentimental partiality to black-eyed susans, and recently finding the lily of the valley quite beautiful. My nieces and nephews gave me some from their garden and I took some pictures.

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Thank you for reading, Alicia! We have black-eyed Susans that come up on their own down by our little creek. I look for them every summer!

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Jun 1Liked by Stephanie Nygaard

I am currently loving tulips as they are one of the first colours in my garden. But I also love peonies which remind me of my aunt and uncle who always had loads of them!!

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I also love tulips and peonies. We don't have any peonies planted in our yard, but I would love to add some. I first encountered peonies at the first house my husband and I lived in. I still remember the ants crawling all over them before they opened!

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Jun 1Liked by Stephanie Nygaard

I really hope my peonies flower this year. They were planted 3 years ago and still haven’t flowered, but I’m told they take awhile. Otherwise I’ll have to try replanting. Maybe they are too deep?

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I'm hoping with you!

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Jun 1Liked by Stephanie Nygaard

I love Miss Rumphius! I remember being on vacation in Idaho and seeing lupines for the first time. They were huge! And glorious! This native Texan misses her bluebonnets: lupinus texensis. They remind me of home.

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Aren't lupines so lovely? We will be traveling to Maine this summer, and I am planning to take Miss Rumphius and Because Barbara (by Sarah Mackenzie) with me. I want to get pictures of the books with Maine in the background. Maybe I'll see some lupines!

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